This SEBI-Registered Fund Gave 75% Returns in 1 Year. Worth Exploring?

Manoj Prasad

Prudent Equity Ace Fund, a SEBI-registered category III long-only alternate investment fund (AIF), has delivered exceptional 75% time-weighted rate of return (TWRR) in just one year since its launch in December 2022.

The flexi cap fund, with a minimum investment ticket of Rs 1 crore, stands out for its investment approach and has recently posted 20% growth in the last quarter alone.

Fund Gives 20% Returns in December, 8% Surge in Last Month

In a statement released earlier this week, Prudent Equity Ace Fund announced an 8% surge in the month of December 2023.

Siddharth Oberoi, the Fund Manager stated that an initial investment of Rs 1 lakh at the time of the fund’s launch would have appreciated to Rs 1,75,000 by December 2023 – marking impressive returns in a relatively short span.

Core Strategy Focused on Economic Fundamentals

At the core of Prudent Equity Ace Fund’s trailblazing success lies its investment strategy, characterized by a sharp focus on the economic fundamentals of businesses.

As per the fund house, the fund aims to invest in high-quality companies with consistent earnings growth, sustainable competitive advantages, and robust corporate governance.

The fund takes a long-term view while investing and focuses on compounding shareholder wealth.

Why Prudent Equity Ace Fund Stands Out

While the Indian mutual fund industry has no dearth of flexi cap funds, Prudent Equity Ace Fund stands out for its stellar track record in a short span, personalized services for HNI investors, and fixed corpus structure allowing fund managers to implement strategies without worrying about incremental flows.

With a robust internal investment team and external global research access, the fund house adopts a well-balanced approach between top-down macro analysis and bottom-up stock-picking. The fixed corpus structure also ensures alignment between investors’ and fund managers’ interests.

Worth Exploring for HNI Investors

For high net-worth individuals (HNIs) looking to diversify beyond traditional assets, Prudent Equity Ace Fund offers an attractive investment proposition to participate in India’s high-growth equity markets.

With a consistent outperformance across market cycles, robust research and investment process, and higher degree of portfolio manager skin-in-the-game, the fund presents a compelling case for investors to allocate a portion of their portfolio. Of course, market risks exist in any equity investment.

While past performance is no guarantee of future results, Prudent Equity Ace Fund’s outstanding track record within a year of operations makes a strong case for HNIs to evaluate this high pedigreed fund house.

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